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Saturday, September 26, 2020

One Piece: 10 Most Adorable Carrot Moments, Ranked | CBR - CBR - Comic Book Resources

One Piece is one of the most popular anime and manga around. Fans have their favorite characters and those that they hate. One name that has been on the lips of fans during conversations is Carrot. The rabbit mink from the Warrior Beast Tribe that snuck her way onto the Thousand Sunny and into everyone's hearts. She has proven countless times that she is a valuable asset to the Straw Hat Pirate crew.

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Carrot has shown multiple sides of her during the anime, but one side should be discussed more – how adorable she is! Here are ten moments when Carrot was nothing short of lovely.

Spoilers ahead.


10 Stuffed Bunny Cuteness

Carrot helps the team during the Big Mom Arc. After previous attempts rescue Brook fails, Carrot goes to switch Brook with a dummy. Zeus begins to wake after Carrot jumps down to avoid Big Mom's snot bubble. Rather than try to hide, Carrot pretends to be a cute stuffed animal. The stuffed animal trick amazingly works and gets Zeus to go back to sleep. This allows Carrot to try again at saving Brook.

It's unclear if it was the cuteness of Carrot's face or the fact that Zeus was half-sleep that protects her, but whatever the reason, fans were glad to witness this moment.


9 Zappa's Marriage Proposal

Fans aren't the only ones smitten by Carrot's cuteness. Zappa proposed marriage to Carrot within moments of laying his eyes on her. Of course, Zappa is a flirt. He even asked every female in the Fron Island Marine Base to marry him, but that's neither here nor there. After Carrot receiving a bouquet of, well, carrots, she gives him a Garchu as thanks. Zappa is so overwhelmed with emotions that he falls over, hearts in his eyes.

Of course, everything goes badly soon after, but fans and Zappa won't forget the look of adoration on Carrot's face when she saw the food.


8 All Of Her Garchu Moments

Speaking of Garchu moments, has there been a scene when Carrot isn't adorable as shows her affection? She uses "Garchu" in place of hello or thanks, like all other minks. The word Garchu is sometimes accompanied by rubbing cheeks. Carrot will occasionally also use mink-ship like cuddling, chewing, or licking to show how much she likes someone. Fans can see how this can amorously affect people, like Zappa.

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These moments often come in the anime, and fans can look forward to each one with smiles on their face.


7 Her Love Of Food

There is a misconception that rabbits love carrots. If an actual rabbit ate too many carrots, chocolate, or anything other than dark leafy greens, they would get physically ill. Luckily for our rabbit mink friend, that is not the case for her. She loves carrots so much; she once attacked Luffy when she caught him eating her carrot. Chocolate is another favorite of Carrot.

The way Carrot lets crumbs cover her face when she's nibbling on a cookie or when her cheeks puff up when she's stuffing her face; it's a joyous sight to see.


6 Sweet While Tricky

After Jack failed to kill Zunesha during the Zou Arc, the Sanji retrieval team left. Carrot wanted to go with them but had a small problem named Bariete. The little monkey mink informed her that he would have to tell Wanda she wanted to leave which would be a problem for Carrot.

Rather than tie him up to keep him quiet, Carrot thought of the next best thing and used bananas. What monkey mink could resist? With a sweet smile and a few bananas, Carrot was able to bribe Bariete and escape.

5 Full Moon Transformation

One Piece fans know Carrot is part of the Mink tribe. This means she's able to enter the Sulong form after looking at a full moon. Her eyes turn red in Sulong form, her hair grows longer and turns from blonde to white. She is in her most powerful form during this moment.

RELATED:  One Piece: 10 Best Carrot Memes

It could have something to do with how Carrot's claws get longer and sharper or how electro spark exudes from her hair and tail. Carrot is adorable in her standard form, but her beauty turns ethereal once she enters this form.


4 Outfit Changes

All of Carrot's outfits are adorable. When first introduced, she is wearing a short orange dress, the Guardian's green cape, and a gauntlet on her right arm. Carrot's outfits go through various changes throughout the anime.

During the Wano Country Arc, Carrot wore a pink dress with a carrot design on it. When she reached Totto Land, she wore a green dress with three vertical stripes running down the center. Even while training with Shishilian, she wore a red Musketeer hat with a green dress.

3 Highly Emotional

Carrot can be very emotional. She's also very protective of her friends. When they get hurt, or worse, she is ready to fight until death if necessary. When Pedro sacrificed himself in an explosion, Carrot went into a blind rage and took it out on Katakuri while bawling her eyes out.

Carrot's actions are relatable. She may not understand everything in the world but one thing she does understand, even if it's in her own way, is love and friendship.


2 Her Friendships

Over the course of the anime, the audience sees the close relationships Carrot has with people. She and Wanda are friends. Carrot always looked up to Pedro, ever since her training days.  When she met the Straw Hat Pirates, not only did Carrot befriend them, she became close to Chopper. She even gave him a cute nickname, "Choiki."

Being able to create friends even in the toughest of times is something people can always enjoy.

1 Her Artwork

Who knew that Carrot is an artist? She can draw the members of the Straw Hat Pirates from memory. She even presented her friends with a picture of them that she drew herself. The only problem, and it's not really a problem, is that she draws everyone with female features.

Carrot also claims to be good at drawing maps. Whether its maps or people, her artwork is 100% adorable and should be featured more in the anime.

NEXT: One Piece: The Main Characters, Ranked By Likability

One Piece - Doflamingo and Vergo
Next One Piece: Top 10 Villains Of The Dressrosa Saga
About The Author

September 26, 2020 at 01:00PM

One Piece: 10 Most Adorable Carrot Moments, Ranked | CBR - CBR - Comic Book Resources

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